
Me zitten in nen building ni vΓͺr van't kanoΓͺl, op de Quai du Commerce.

Gemakkelaaik te beraaike mè de velo, den bus, de metro, mè 'n motsiklet of zëlfs mè den buut. Mè den otto moote parking zeuke 'n da's ni altaaid gemakkelaaik, ge kent uuk altaaid te voot komme.

We are in a building not far from the canal on Quai du Commerce.

Easy to reach by bike, bus, metro, motorbike or even boat. By car you have to find parking which is not always easy, you can also always come on foot.


Quai du Commerce - Handelskaai 48, 1000 Bruxelles

+32 2 217 05 48

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