Brussels Attitude, Substantial Impact

Indiandribble is a Brussels-based communication agency. Or rather: that's what they have become. Two years ago, they changed course. From brand activation, they moved towards full-on communication. Today, they are an agency of more than twenty strong men and women that chant three words in unison: content, community, and culture.

(From left to right) Roel Verhavert, Bernard Polet, Steven De Beukeleer

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Indiandribble helps brands build their culture.

By creating communities through well-targeted content, Indiandribble builds the culture of brands. Photos and videos? Sure, but these Brusseleirs like to go a step further. Think stories, test events, walking tours, a book or awareness-raising actions. Content that creates communities, which in turn brings about a change in culture.

More than just "sell this product", therefore. Indiandribble convinced many petrolheads to switch to electric cars by organizing 1 on 1 indoor and outdoor test drives for Polestar. That is one example. But Stad Oostende, Alpro, Fost Plus, and Recupel are also brands that have a future to build.

As the agency grew, so did its attention to (Brussels) diversity, inclusivity, and sustainability. Making an impact, big or small - remains priority number one. Because whoever Indian Dribbles has a step ahead of the rest. (Google that.)


content, community, culture, growth, diversity, inclusivity en sustainability

About Indiandribble

Indiandribble is a Brussels-based communications agency with a three-word mantra: content, community, and culture. As the agency grew, so did the focus on the diverse, Brussels’ DNA, inclusiveness and sustainability.

Media Contact

Roel Verhavert
Managing Director
Brussels, Belgium


Tempérament bruxellois, impact de poids